Why do I need a facial?

So if you've been around in the beauty community for a while, you might know that getting a facial is a thing and aestheticians are people who can help with your skin. But many of you may not have branched out and actually tried a facial for yourself. I can bet that about 80% of people don't get facials, or give up facials, because of that hefty price tag. Well I'm here to let you in on a little secret.

Facials are one of the #1 ways to prevent aging.

Spark your interest? Good.

What even is a facial?
I'm glad you asked. First thing you should know is that there are two basic categories of facials. Number One is what I like to call the "fra-fra" facial. Many spas have a menu of different types of facials that you can choose from. These services use the same products and techniques in every single service. They include lots of "temporary fixes", things that make your skin feel great for an hour and then you're back to normal. I personally, am not a fan of the fra-fra facial. I mean don't get me wrong, they can be awesome during a rainy afternoon at my all-inclusive resort, but I'm not really down for paying a ton of money for something that isn't actually going to help me.

The second type of facial is what I like to call the "results-based" facial. Let me say this: results-based facials are just as calming and relaxing as fra-fra facials. Don't let this be a deterrent when your choosing the best type of facial for you. The main difference here is that results-based facials are going to be 100% customized to your skin type of need. NO ONE has the exact same skin type so you can't treat everyone the same! These facials are going to be a process. You start with a problem and your aesthetician comes up with a plan to heal the problem. These are the types of facials I give in my aesthetics room and are my favorite to receive.

Why do I need to get a facial?
The vast majority of the human race is NOT caring for their skin properly. Using incorrect products can leave your skin unbalanced and cause pretty major issues. We are all born with a predisposed skin type that we can never change. However, using the right products, you can balance your skin out and have it be really healthy. Homecare is super important here, but there's something that a professional can do for you that you can't do for yourself: help you!

We, as professionals, know SO MUCH about how the skin works and what's best for it. We also have access to professional-grade products and machines that can give your skin the deep clean that you'll never be able to get at home. If your skin isn't exfoliated and cleansed properly, you can get buildup which can cause breakouts, wrinkles, irritation, and a vast host of other potentially annoying skin issues.

A good cleansing aside, aestheticians can also help heal massive amounts of skin diseases and disorders. Did you know that an aesthetician can treat ALL types of acne up to a grade 5? That means that all those teenagers out there who are wasting their money on expensive doc visits and wasting their time with systems like pro-active, can actually get completely cleared up with just a few short visits to their aesthetician. Think about that for a second. How much time and money goes into little results with acne? Well guess what. Your aesthetician is a pro at acne and can get it cleared up WITHOUT the harsh medications.

Why is it so expensive?
You have to take a couple things into consideration when looking into the price of a facial. At the top of the list is understanding that your Aesthetician has gone through exponential amounts of training to be qualified to help you get your best skin. They went through different types of technical programs (which are ridiculously expensive), they've gone through brand-based training (I'm actually flying a couple hundred miles away to do training out of state), they've done in-salon continued education, and so much more. Your aesthetician has more continued education than most dermatologists.

The next thing to consider is the quality of the product that is being used in your service. Here's an example: I use Dermalogica in my services. Dermalogica was founded and created by The International Dermal Institute as a way to create a global standard in both skin care AND education. It is formulated beautifully without harsh chemicals, lanolin, alcohols, artificial dyes, and artificial fragrances. It is a one-of-a-kind brand with one-of-a-kind products. Most aestheticians are going to use products that are formulated specifically for professionals that also include at home products for you!

The last thing to consider is your aesthetician's time. This is their career. This is what they do. There aren't many people who know the things and can do the things that your aesthetician can. Most facials are an hour-long. That means that you have your aesthetician's time for at least an hour and a half. He or she is halting everything to be with you and help you on your skincare journey.

If the price is a deterrent for you, talk to your aesthetician. We have all kinds of options for anyone's budget.

How often should I get a facial?
There are many different answers for this question and the easiest is this: talk to your aesthetician. For most people, I would recommend a good basic facial every four to six weeks. Now, if you have a specific skin concern like acne or pigmentation, your aesthetician may recommend a different schedule! I always say you can never have too many facials.

Remember this: your skin is your body's largest organ, and it is the first organ to show visible signs of aging, so take care of it! Invest in it! You will never be sorry you took care of your skin.

